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Welcome to Blue Ridge Reserves, eastern Virginia's newest Reserve Study Provider firm!

How is Blue Ridge Reserves different? Simply put, as a one-person consulting firm, I am now able to offer small shop overhead costs while providing large shop expertise (36-year seasoned Reserve Specialist).  In March of 2023 I embarked on a core mission to invent a newly formatted reserve study report that could be understood at a glance, with key take-aways made by the time you reach Page 3.

November 1, 2024 Update:  I am excited to announce that Blue Ridge Reserves is now an official member of the Southeastern Virginia Chapter of the Community Associations Institute (CAI)! 

a beautiful condominium community.jpg
Beach Walkway


J. Stewart 'Stew' Willis, RS, EBP, Founder & President, CAI Reserve Specialist #50

  • Reserve Studies for community associations are critical budget planning tools that provide guidance in the form of annualized reserve funding requirements that are necessary for the normal upkeep, maintenance, major repairs, and capital replacements that will need to be completed over a community’s lifetime. 

  • Since April of 1989, I have been performing capital reserve studies on a professional basis, for common interest multifamily residential communities and mixed-use buildings across the Mid-Atlantic region, from New Jersey to South Carolina.  My primary region of focus is the Central and Tidewater regions of the State of Virginia, where I am now a member of the Central and Southeastern Virginia Chapters of CAI (CVC CAI and SEVA CAI).  

  • Being the founder and president of the company allows me to provide the hands-on personal service that I have always wanted for my clients.  Every reserve study, including proposal, site visit, meetings, field measurements, plan review, cost estimate, and financial analysis, is done by yours truly.  Being a low-volume one-man professional consultant now means that I can take on and complete reserve studies at a pace that ensures quality, while forwarding the cost advantages of a low overhead operation on to my clients.  

Condominium Common Elements
Community Association
J. Stewart Willis, RS, EBP
Reserve Study Standards 5/2023
  • My reserve studies are primarily prepared to be easily understood and absorbed by the client.  My professional passion is no less than to develop and provide what I consider to be the first truly intuitive reserve study report.   

  • My studies are prepared to include quality data for quality results.   I personally conduct all communications with the client, including proposal follow-ups and requests for current financial information. 

  • I perform all document and plan reviews to verify the common and limited common elements of the Association.  

  • I perform the site visit  for field measurements and for physical condition assessments.    

  • Finally, I run the financial analysis based on existing conditions and funds available and present three different levels of annualized budget to fit the client's level of risk aversion, each completely funding the projected future expenditures.   After the first 2 or 3 pages of the report you have this information in intuitive graphic form as well as a brief executive summary.

Financial Analysis
Expenditure Projections
Additional Credentials

Mr. Willis has been providing professional consulting services for the residential multifamily and mixed-use existing buildings industry since April of 1989.  In addition to building and site improvement construction inspection, project management, and quality assurance services, Mr. Willis has conducted and produced 100’s of Capital Reserve Studies for residential and mixed-use communities over the last 36 years. 

  • Mr. Willis has been qualified as an expert during legal proceedings for testimony regarding building codes and construction, building diagnostics, construction cost estimating, life-cycle economics and reserves for construction components and systems, and was a licensed Building and Mechanical Inspector, and a Building Sub-Code and Construction Official for 30 years. 

  • Mr. Willis is a graduate of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in economics, with an option in finance.  Mr. Willis achieved the Community Associations Institute’s (CAI) Reserve Specialist designation (RS #50) in 2001, shortly after the national certification program started, and now also holds the designation of CAI Educated Business Partner (EBP).   

  • Mr. Willis continues his career-long active membership in CAI, attending networking events, expos and retreats, and is an approved speaker for CAI-hosted educational presentations for managers and homeowners regarding the importance of reserve studies for common interest communities.  Most recently Mr. Willis participated on the CAI National Task Force for updating the National Reserve Study Standards, finalized in July of 2023.

Please feel free to contact me for a no-cost proposal and/or video conference introduction for your community or building.

BLUE RIDGE RESERVES, LLC is a fully insured and licensed limited liability company.  

Phone: (804) 508-7808

P.O. Box 910, Kilmarnock, VA, USA

CAI Educated Business Partner
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